Sunday, September 27, 2009
Gossip? Who, me?!
This is one of my favorite verses and I try to live by it every day. Sometimes it's definitely not an easy thing to do! It's a very serious (& sometimes scary!) responsibility to be a representative of our Lord Jesus!
Several years ago God convinced me not to gossip. Let me tell you, that was such a challenge at the beginning that I often struggled to come up with something to talk about! When I was growing up, my mother always told me if I didn't have something good to say, not to say anything at all. Although I usually tried to be obedient to her, reminding myself that I am a representative of the Lord Jesus is an even stronger motivation to keeping my lips zipped!
It's funny how people pick up on you not participating in gossip without you telling them. At the beginning, I did tell some friends, but since we've moved and the people I'm around at work and elsewhere haven't really heard me gossip, they usually don't tell me gossip. When you don't know much gossip, it's much easier not to repeat it. I am thankful that temptations into this area are kept to a minimum in my life these days. Thank you, Jesus!
When co-workers, friends and family are aware you are a Christian, whether they consciously realize it or not, they are always watching you. Admit it, you watch and notice when your Christian friends do or say something that it not very "Christ-like." When I fall victim to "un-Christ like" behavior, what really burdens me is the possible effect that observing this could have on someone who is not yet a believer or is a new believer. I met a woman at a women's ministry leadership conference a few years ago who shared with us that she would have committed her life to Christ literally years sooner if it had not been for the behavior she observed in Christian women!
Keeping in mind that whatever I say or do I should do it "as a representative of the Lord Jesus" is a serious responsibility for sure. But, it is also an awesome privilege that I am blessed with as a child of God. I am forever thankful for this responsibility and privilege as well as for the blessings that result from living in obedience.
What about you? How do you feel about living your life as a representative of our Lord Jesus? Will someone observing how you live your life realize you are a believer and follower of Jesus? Has God shown you an area of your life you need to work on?
What has God said to you today through this verse?
My prayer for today:
Father God, thank you so much for loving me. Thank you for being patient with me and most of all for forgiving me when I don't live up to your expections of me as your representative. You know even better than I do that gossip is just one area you have shown me over the years that I need to change in my life.
The world is so loud! Even when we know in our hearts that following Your example is the very best way to live, it can be such a struggle to keep the world from creeping in. Father, thank you for the privilege of being your chosen child and thank you for putting me here on earth for your purposes. It is my heart's desire to glorify you in all I say, do and think each and every day. You know I can't do it without you by my side each step of each day. I thank you for always being right there with me. Thank you for forgiveness and mercy. Thank you for the sacifice you made through your son, Jesus Christ, going to the cross to bear the burden for my sins and those of each person who trusts Him with their life. It's in His precious name, I pray. Amen.
Saturday, September 19, 2009
The gift of today
OK - I know, I know - I just wrote about this same verse my last post. The problem is that when I was reflecting on this verse the other day, God was taking me this direction and then I went to Step by Step and I felt He wanted me to share how I saw the verse in action there.
But, I can't let the gift message go, so decided to share it as well.
Two wise, Godly women whom I'm blessed to know, Mimi and Shelley, the authors of "Holy Habits," spoke at a Holiday brunch I attended in 2007. Their gift to each attendee was a Chinese take out box - mine is pictured above. One of their teachings that day was to use visual clues as prayer reminders. Can you guess what the take-out box is a clue to?
No, it's not food or China related! Mimi suggested sitting it on your bedside table or dresser where you can see it first thing every morning even before you get out of bed. It is to remind you that each day is a gift from God. He is just waiting to unwrap blessings and opportunities (& yes, often times challenges!) for us each and every day! She suggested starting each day praying thanks to God for the gift of today and then asking Him to show you how He can use you that day.
When I read the verse above, it reminded me that God would absolutely love it if we approached each day with the same level of anticipation and excitement we have when we spot the biggest, brightest present under the tree on Christmas morning and realize it has our name on it! He would love it if we just cannot wait to see what He has planned for us that day just like we can't wait to see what's inside that great big box! Whether we rip the paper off in a rush or calmly and methodically remove it without tearing is up to us, but the gift inside is all ours! The same is true of God's gift of each day to us - it is all ours and He gave it specially to each of us! If He told us what was in it before we saw it, we couldn't even begin to believe all He had planned!
The next time you're tempted to groan and grumble about getting out of bed picture a brightly wrapped gift - or a white take out box - and realize that God has once again blessed you with the gift of another day!
What has God said to you today through this verse?
My prayer for today:
Gracious Heavenly Father, thank you, thank you , thank you - for the gift of today, yesterday and tomorrow! Please forgive me for the days I forget to thank you and ask you to show me or tell me what I can do for you today. Please help each of us keep our focus on you and keep the world with all its distractions, fatigue and tempations from interferring. Lord, please help us remember that your gift of today is also an opportunity for us to give back to you through our obedience and through serving others in your name and for your glory. Thank you, Lord Jesus! It's in your precious name, I pray. Amen.
Friday, September 18, 2009
Thursday night I had the privilege to serve at the registration table during the first meeting this year of Step by Step, a non-denominational ministry to teen moms and their children. It was a great observation (& listening!) post!
The mission of Step By Step is "to provide an opportunity for salvation, and emotional and spiritual healing through Jesus Christ to young single mothers and their children, by walking with them step by step as they learn to lead productive, purposeful lives."
I could see the mission in action on so many levels!
Having worked in the nursery last year, I recognized several returning moms and babies. It was wonderful to see the babies' growth and to see the smiles on the moms' faces because they were so happy to be back at SBS! It was easy to spot the first timers - their faces showed uncertainty and sometimes a sense of hurt. It was so encouraging to see returning moms bringing new friends with them because they knew how much their friends could benefit from the program and especially from the love of Jesus.
"For I am going to do something in your days that you would not believe even if you were told."
I could see it in the faces of the first timers "What am I doing here? What good is this going to do me?" But, "the rest of the story" of that verse was clearly illustrated by at least two stories I observed.
The first was a young mother wearing a Kroger shirt, holding one baby in her arms and another by the hand. She was beaming and couldn't wait to tell Susan and Terri, the SBS directors, that she is going to school and studying nursing! What progress she has made since last year! I suspect that if she were told last year that she'd be successfully balancing children, job and nursing school, she would not have believed it!
Even more touching was another mom who was also beaming - she had a glow about her that makes me believe she has Jesus in her heart! Susan was exclaiming over the change in her saying, "you do not look or act like the same girl who walked through those doors last year!" The young woman agreed and said co-workers had told her the same thing. While I don't know this particular young woman's story, I suspect it is like many others who have come to Step by Step broken, disheartened, discouraged and hurt looking for answers, love and acceptance. Susan and Terri, along with many volunteers, help these girls find Jesus and purpose in their lives.
Step by Step, like so many ministries, enables volunteers to serve as the hands and feet of Jesus, spreading his love, truth and light to those who so desperately need Him.
Has God called you to serve somewhere or in some way to help others find Him? There are so many opportunities! Just be prepared - you would not believe what He can do through you even if He told you the whole story beforehand!
If you'd like to learn more about Step by Step, please visit
What has God said to you today through this verse?
My prayer for today:
Father God, thank you so much for giving us opportunities every day to serve you through serving others. You may have different plans and different ways for each of us to serve, but help us remember that you will always equip us to do what you have called us to do. You know the end from the beginning and we though we'd like to, we don't need to know it. We just need to be obedient when you call us to serve.
Thank you, Lord, for the success stories of so many who have been served and saved through the Step by Step ministry over the past 14 years. Please guide the leadership and volunteers in that ministry. Equip them spiritually, physically and financially to continue to do your work in Lexington and beyond.
Thank you, Lord for being who you are! In Jesus precious name. Amen.
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Good grief!
As you may have read in a previous post, we didn't plan to move to Lexington almost two years ago - we wanted to stay in Bowling Green where we lived for the past 24 years, and where our children (& now grandchildren!), my mother & step-father, David's brother, friends, etc. all live in or nearby. You get the picture. But God had different plans and brought us here.
Since we are only about 3 hours away, we try to visit pretty often - especially during the past 8 months since our precious twin grandbabies were born! It's been 5 weeks since we've last seen them and it's about to kill us! And, we still have about 1 1/2 weeks to go before we see them!
"Even in laughter the heart may ache, and joy may end in grief."
It was such a relief when God showed me that I have been experiencing grief, not for the loss of a loved one who departed the earth, but for the loss of our family life as we lived it & loved it for so many years. We will never be that same family we were 5 years ago or even 5 months ago. But, He has also reminded me that no amount of miles can take away our memories or our love for one another.
Recognizing my feelings as grief is helping me work through them and to recapture the excitement we had when God first brought us here! My heart's desires is to be a vessel for Him to use, so I can't wait to see what He has planned for us ahead! Just two chapters later in Proverbs 16: 3-4, God promises us "Commit to the LORD whatever you do, and your plans will succeed. The LORD works out everything for his own ends -"
My prayer for today:
My most gracious heavenly Father, thank you so much for your Word. I pray for my thirst for Your Word to continue to grow and grow - you have all the answers! I don't know why we ever bother to look anywhere else for guidance. Thank you for being the Great I Am and for always knowing just what I need to hear. Thank you so much for including me in your plans! Help me to keep my focus on you and to never forget that my true joy is in you and you alone. I don't want to let circumstances interfere with that. I love you and praise you for who you are and thank you so much for always keeping your promises. In your son, Jesus' precious name, I pray . . .
What has God said to you today through this scripture?
(In case you've never met them, Spencer and Kate are above - aka: precious grandbabies! And, thank you, Jenny, for the use of your photo.)
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Today is the day you worried about yesterday . . .
"Commit your Way to the LORD, trust also in Him, and He shall bring it to pass." Psalm 37: 5
This weekend we were at my brother-in-law's home, which is the home he and my husband grew up in. Although he has done extensive remodeling, he still has many items in the home that belonged to my in-laws.
It was nice to see an embroidered piece I did for my sweet mother-in-law, Kathleen, many years ago hanging on the kitchen wall. It says "Today is the day you worried about yesterday and all is well." Kathleen was a wonderful Godly woman with strong faith, but she was also a worrier. I made the sampler for her, but at that time in my life, it was advice I benefited from as well!
I think one of the biggest changes Jesus Christ has made in my life is in the area of worrying. I used to lay awake at night fretting over this and that - probably most of it were things that didn't matter much, but to me at the time, they were real sleep robbing concerns. I have a vivid imagination and can make something out of nothing in the blink of an eye! Back then I didn't always think about turning my concerns over to God in prayer - unless it was the "God, if you'll fix this for me this time, I promise I'll never do that again: kind of prayer.
I am so thankful that God has so much patience, mercy, love and forgiveness and has worked so hard to convict me not to worry, but instead to turn my concerns over to Him. Some days it's easier than others and some days I don't quite succeed, but (Praise the Lord!) I can't remember the last time I had a sleepless night! Now when I am tempted to worry about something, I count on Jesus to help me abide by Matthew 11:28-30, " Come to me all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you nad learn from me for I am gentle and humble in hears and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light."
AHHHH! What a relief!
My prayer for today:
Dear Lord, thank you so much for teaching me to rely on you. You have proven to me time and time again that you are in control. And, you do such an excellent job! I am so thankful you call me your own and continue to teach me new lessons each and every day - even the tough ones. Thank you so much for loving me. In Jesus name, I pray. Amen.
What did God say to you today through these verses?
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Scary Thought
We had a wonderful worship service this morning at Center Point Church in Lexington, KY. We heard from mission team members who recently returned from a week serving God in Brazil - it's always amazing and encouraging to hear and see how God is such a huge God and works in and through people throughout the world. I have to admit that hearing them and seeing the glow on their faces made me reminiscent of my mission trips and, yes, a bit jealous! But, I know in my heart that God can use us just as well here as internationally.
As always, at CPC, the music was awesome and "worshipful." But, what hit me closest to home was Tim's message. Based upon Philippians 4:8, it was part of a series on Philippians entitled "Living Life to the Fullest."
Philippians 4:8 says:
Finally, brethren,whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is of good repute, if there is any excellence and if anything worthy of praise, dwell on these things.
How does that verse make you feel? At first read, my response is something like, "Absolutely, Lord! That's exactly what I want to do!" And I sincerely mean it. However, living it every minute of every hour of every day is another matter.
Then Tim quoted Proverbs 23:7: "For as he thinks within himself, so he is . . ." . What a scary thought! But, it was just what I needed to hear. I know that I cannot obey Philippians 4:8 on my own. When left to myself, I will drown in a sea of negativity & who knows what else. Jesus is my lifeline to the life He wants me to live and to the life I want to live. And, it's a lifeline I need many times each and every day - that's why He instructs us to dwell on these things.
My prayer for today:
Lord Jesus, thank you for being my lifeline. Thank you for wanting more of me than I can imagine. Thank you for a wonderful church home where we hear your truth each and every time we gather. Thank you for putting people in our lives who remind us of who you are, who we are, what you expect of us and show us how we can get there. Please forgive me for all the times I fall short and thank you for your mercy and forgiveness. I love you.
What did God say to you today through these verses?
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Bearing Fruit
Several years ago I had the privilege of serving at a Women of the Harvest retreat for women serving in the mission field who were in the USA on furlough. It was such a blessing in so many ways! One of the special blessings was getting to know Mimi Wilson and Shelly Cook Volkhardt. These special ladies were missionary kids who became missionaries and now serve (in different locations) in the USA. They are speakers and authors. Together they wrote a wonderful book, "Holy Habits," which I highly recommend.
This verse reminds me of a story Mimi shared in "Holy Habits" that I want to share with you.
Mimi wrote:
" I also collect stories that remind me of God's victories. A middle-aged missinary couple in Spain with whom I visited told me the following story. Several years ago, they met an older woman in the city square. The lady had spent 30 years in missionary service in the African country of Senegal. The couple invited her to their home . . . As the woman talked, it became apparent that she had suffered. She said she felt that her years of service had been wasted. She lost one son to a crocodile, another son had been seriously ill, and her husband died. When she left Senegal, a grieving widow and mother, there had not been one convert to show for the sacrifices of thirty years.
During their visit, the couple mentioned that they had recently received a newsletter from some young friends, also missionaries in Senegal. They shared the newsletter with her, and as she read it, she began to cry. The letter told of how the young couple had contacted different tribes. They were surprised to discover an amazing God-consciousness among them. Their view of God as Father was so clear, and the young couple said they had no idea where it had come from. People from seven different tribes were coming to Christ. When the retired missionary lifted her head from the letter, she said, "Our family lived and ministered among five of the seven tribes mentioned in this letter. We never knew if they understood. But know I know!"
My prayer for today:
Father God, thank you for showing this missionary woman how you did use her for your good and that her suffering and sacrifices did bear fruit for your kingdom. And, thank you for the dedication she and family showed through serving 30 years without knowing if anyone understood the love, grace and mercy they were sharing. Lord, please help me to keep You as the center focus of my life each and every day - my prayer is that I live my life in a way that is worthy of you -pleasing and honoring to you, that you would use me to bear fruit - whether I see it or not. Please help me not to mind if I don't see fruit yielded - as long as You do. Please help me to draw closer to you each day and continually grow in my knowledge of you so that I can share more effectively with others. Most of all, Father, thank you for my Lord Jesus Christ and for being who you say you are yesterday, today and tomorrow. I love you so much! In Jesus' name. . .
What did God say to you through this verse and perhaps through the story Mimi shared?
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Prayer Warrior
I wrote the following in 2005, but it came to mind because Sarah is visiting with us in preparation for moving to New Orleans this weekend to go to seminary. She is still a prayer warrior! I cannot wait to see how God grows her as she works on her graduate degree and how He continues to use her the rest of her life! Have to admit tho - wish she weren't going to be so far away, but she is following God's will and I sure can't argue with that!
My youngest daughter, Sarah, is a prayer warrior if I ever met one! She has been our “default” dinner prayer leader for years – so much so that I feel out of practice of praying out loud in front of others. She loves to pray and praise our Lord – not that the rest of us don’t – it’s just hard not to let her pray!
I remember hearing her pray and speak in front of her youth group several times. When I’d comment about enjoying what she said, she’d often tell me she really didn’t know what she said, she had just prayed that God give her the words he wanted the group to hear. I couldn’t help thinking, “Way to go Sarah, turn it over to the Master!”
Last year she volunteered to send daily prayer emails to family and friends of a mission team during their trip to China. You could just feel her love for Christ and for her friends (& brother) who were the mission team as well as for the unsaved people they were encountering each day. I was in awe some days at the way God was using her to speak for Him. I think the key is that Sarah opens her heart and her mouth to allow God to use her as he sees fit. She often struggles with figuring out what He wants her to do, but she always consults him through reading His word and through prayer before she makes major decisions.
My prayer for today:
Father, thank you for the blessing Sarah continues to be in our lives. Thank you for using her to glorify your name. Please continue to use her to do your will. As Sarah always ends her prayers, in your Son’s awesome name, Amen.
What did God say to you today through this verse?
Friday, August 7, 2009
Song of Joy
Psalm 126:1-3
Last night our home was filled with the sweet sweet sound of girly laughter! Our daughters, Amanda & Sarah, are visiting and two of Sarah's long time friends came for the evening.What a blessing!
The giggles of twenty-somethings are just a sweet as those of preschoolers! Especially when it's been way too long for this group to gather in our home. It was so reminiscent of past times in some ways and so new in others. As Amanda said, "How quickly conversation changes - used to be about nail polish and hair styles and now it's about who's having children!" Some things don't change - making homemade pizza and playing games (& leaving them sleeping while I go to work!) - altho last night was the first time we'd all played Rock Band together!
The sweetest part of the evening for me was realizing how "The LORD has done great things for them." All four girls love the Lord and their lives and lifestyles reflect the sincerity of their dedication and commitment to Him and to sharing Him with others. All are actively involved in both local and foreign missions. Two are graduate students at seminarys. The other two serve in teaching and nursing.
Last night was a special blessing and I know God orchestrated it! I just can't wait to continue to watch how he uses these girls for His glory!
What did this verse say to you today?
My prayer for today:
Lord Jesus, thank you so much for coming into the lives of these four girls at an early age and encouraging them to grow their relationships with you each day. You have so richly blessed them and their families by Your protection of them and the blossoming of each into such fine and Godly young women. Thank you for the plans you have to use them in so many ways throughout their lives. Thank you for sharing them with us.
Monday, August 3, 2009
Free Personalization!
You know how you get those "junk" mail letters, catalogs and stuff that have your name throughout the piece so it looks like a personalized message just for you? I don't want to burst your bubble, but it really isn't personal. It's all computerized.
BUT, God is the King of the personalized message and has been since the beginning - without the help of computers!
No matter how many times He does it, it never ceases to amaze me how God sends me so many personalized messages through such a variety of vehicles. I know I've mentioned this before, but I just can't help praising God again and again for the blessings He provides me this way. Of course the core message is always scripture, but sometimes He shares it through other people or in other writings. And, of course, His timing is always perfect!
God gave me this scripture tonight through a Beth Moore daily devotional (from a previous day) and some of her comments were so on target with some of the things God is teaching me, so I want to it:
" . . . Sometimes when we obey God and go where we believe he is sending us, we're not altogether certain what we expected, but after a while we asertain. "this certainly can't be it." In fact, obeying God can initially seem to get us into a bigger mess than we left.
It can make you think, "I must be an alien here." But actually, that may be your first indication you're in the right place. We can be in the bull's-eye of God's will for our lives even when things make utterly no sense. Sometimes we just have to wait on that ugly, five-letter word: "later." from "Believing God Day by Day" by Beth Moore (July 29th)
God is continually sending each of us personal messages through His word. You and I can read the exact same scripture, but receive a distinctly personal message through it from Him. Isn't that amazing?!
What is God saying to you today through this scripture?
My prayer for today:
Thank you, Lord, for not giving up on me and for continually sending me the messages I need to hear through your word. Please help me quiet the world around me so I can hear even the faintest whisper from you. Thank you for giving me this opportunity to share Your word and Your glory with others. In Jesus' precious name, I pray.
Sunday, August 2, 2009
Hope, peace and joy
Our church is reading through the New Testament and are just about through Romans. From the beginning David and I decided to read out loud together after dinner and it has really been a blessing to share this time with him. When we read Roman's 15:13, I noticed I had a star next to it and the date 09/07.
Since I count on him to be my memory, I said "wonder what that means", but before he could answer, it hit me - that's when we moved to Lexington. As I re-read it out loud, I looked at him and said, "that's what we did - trusted Him."
Trust Him, we did and trust Him we still do - even when we don't understand and even when things don't seem to make sense.
When my job was eliminated in May 2007, we turned the situation over to the Lord. The one thing we decided was that we wanted to stay in the Bowling Green area because we wanted to stay in close proximity to family - even if it meant not working at the ideal job or making the most money. In late June/early July I saw a job posting in Lexington that was a perfect match to my experience. When I asked David if he thought I should apply, he told me to continue doing what I'd been doing all summer - apply for positions that interested me and then turn it over to God to figure out if it was where He wanted me or not. So, I applied. So much for our decision to stay in BG!
Throughout the 2 month process from when I applied until I accepted the offer and started my job in Lexington, God made it perfectly clear to both of us that we needed to trust Him, be obedient in accepting the position and moving away from our family. He would work out the details of selling the house (which He did - it sold to the first people who looked at it) and everything else. He filled us with peace throughout the decisions and with joy in the anticipation of what He had in store for us in Lexington.
I needed the reminder of this verse. The hope, peace and joy only the Holy Spirit can provide is what I need to pray for each and every day.What about you? What did God say to you today through this verse?
My prayer for today:
Father God, thank you so much for sending your son Jesus to the Cross as a sacrifice for our sins. Thank you for sending your Holy Spirit to guide and comfort us as well as to give us the hope and power than can only come through you. Lord, please forgive me when I lose sight of all you have sacrificed for me and get caught up in what I perceive as sacrifices I'm making. I pray that each day you will empty me of Terry and all my human issues and fill me to overflowing with your Holy Spirit so everyone I encounter sees and feels the love of Jesus Christ in my words and actions. Thank you so much . . . .In Jesus' precious name, I pray. AMEN.
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
God's Purpose or Mine?
If you read my last post (that I wrote just a few minutes ago!) you know I'm on overload today and since I was having trouble deciding which to write about, decided to go with both!
A number of years ago when I realized I wanted and needed a daily quiet time with the Lord and wanted to dig deeper into His Word, I wasn't sure how to go about it. Obviously I needed to open my Bible and read it more often than I was currently doing, but I just felt like I needed some help and a bit of a push. When I went to the Christian bookstore, I don't know if I was looking in the wrong place, didn't know what I was looking for, or if God hid all the other daily devotionals from me, but the only one I found that day was "My Utmost for His Highest" by Oswald Chambers.
What a blessing! I read it sporadically at first, but I have now read it through several years in a row. God speaks to me through OC so often and so directly! I am an "underliner". In my current copy of this precious devotional book, I have underlines, highlights, notes, stars, and now multiple favorite pages turned down for quick reference3 when I need an extra boost. By now that's at least every 4th page!
This morning's reading is a page turner with underlines and stars - and that's from previous years! I'll have to add some highlights or something because God surely hit me over the head with His message today! Rather than go into what God said to me through this reading today, I am going to put it here so He can speak to you too. I am so disappointed this blogger doesn't allow me to underline! So, I'm going to boldface my underlines and make the star sentences italic! :-) It begins with the scripture above ( Mark 6:45) and goes on to say:
We tend to think that if Jesus Christ compels us to do something and we are obedient to Him, He will lead us to great success. We should never have the thought that our dreams of success are God's purpose for us. In fact, His purpose may be exactly the opposite. (not what I wanted to hear this morning! tlb) We have the idea the God is leading us toward a particular end or a desired goal, but He is not. The question of whether or not we arrive at a particular goal is of little importance , and reaching it becomes merely an episode along the way. What we see as only the process of reaching a particular end, God sees as the goal itself.
What is my vision of God's purpose for me? Whatever it may be, His purpose is for me to depend on Him and on His power now. If I can stay calm, faithful and unconfused while in the middle of the turmoil of life, the goal of the purpose of God is being accomplished in me. God is not working toward a particular finish - His purpose is the process itself. What He desires for me is that I see "him walking on the sea" with no shore, no success, nor goal in sight, but simply having the absolute certainty that everything is all right because I see "Him walking on the sea" (6:49). It is the process, not the outcome, that is glorifying to God.
God's training is for now, not later. His purpose is for this very moment, not for sometime in the future. WE have nothing to do with what will follow our obedience, and we are wrong to concern ourselves with it. What people call preparation, God sees as the goal itself.
God's purpose is to enable me to see that He can walk on the storms of my life right now. If we have a further goal in mind, we are not paying enough attention to the present time. However, if we realize that moment-by-moment obedience is the goal, then each moment as it comes is precious.
(me again - tlb) My prayer for today is that God speaks to you through this verse and the associated writing so that you can join me in living your life in the obedience of glorifying our Lord in all we say, do and think. AMEN!
Sensory Overload!
I think there was a movie back in the 60's called something like "Stop the World, I Want to Get Off!" Do you ever feel that way? That's how I've been feeling the past 2-3 days. Not so much that I want to get off the world, but that I want things to stop and let me catch up!
I do my best to always look for God's purpose, his lesson and especially His joy in most things, but I have to admit the past few days have been a roller coaster of joy and dispair. And, it's all God's "fault!" He knows, as always, exactly what I need to hear from Him and what I need to grow and develop my relationship with Jesus. My problem at the moment is that He's "throwing things" at me so fast that I am struggling to keep up. It's a good problem to have and I keep reminding myself that it's exciting to hear from God. It's my favorite thing actually - I just enjoy it a bit more when I like what He says instead of convicting me of things He knows I need to hear!
Don't get me wrong, I LOVE working on our relationship. I just need to work on my time management so I can devote more time to Him and to pulling all this scripture and direction together. He is THE focus of my life, but I don't seem to be able to maintain the discipline to give Him the time He deserves and that I want to spend with Him.
He has such a knack of sending me the same message through multiple sources and I just love that! I love reading the Bible and I also enjoy reading devotionals written by a variety of people, hearing the message brought to us weekly by our pastor, doing Bible studies, listening to contemporary Christian music and talking with other Christians. This is one of those times I just need to slow down, listen and rest in Him. I'm sure if I don't figure it all out today, He'll give me another chance and more reminders! Thankfully He accepts, understands and even encourages that I'm a work in progress.
My prayer for today:
My gracious heavenly Father, thank you so very much for caring so much for me and for all your children that you do talk to us. I love how you use such a variety of voices - straight from scripture to emails to billboards, pastors, Bible study authors, friends and even children. You know what each of us needs to hear each and every moment of each and every day, Lord.
Please continue to encourage us to listen and to take heed to what you're telling us. It's so easy for the world to interfere. I pray for your protection from distractions and false teachers so that our ears and our hearts filter out everything but what you want us to hear. Please forgive me for all the times I don't listen as well as I should, Lord. Please help me to hear and understand the wisdom you are trying so hard to get through my thick skull! Thank you so much for your patience, your mercy and forgiveness and for sending your son, Jesus as a sacrifice for my sins. It's in His holy name I pray. Amen.
Friday, July 24, 2009
A work in progress!
I am SO thankful for this promise from God! I am confident that God has been working in me since before my birth, but I'm sorry to say it took me many years to pay much attention to what He was saying.
Oh, I thought I knew God. After all, my parents always took us to Sunday School and we prayed before meals and all that good Christian stuff. I know my mother was a believer. I was very involved in the youth group. I'll never forget when I was about 14, as was the custom in our church, after completing a 2 year class, my fellow classmates and I were individually questioned by the elders of the church to make sure they wanted to allow us to join the church. I can still see that room and the men sitting around it! I don't remember what else they asked me, but I'll never forget one question. The pastor or someone else asked me if I believed Jesus Christ was my savior. I honestly told him no, I didn't. The response? "Well, you will one of these days." And they let me join the church - I just kept my mouth shut during the part of the ceremony where it said I accepted Jesus Christ as my personal savior!
Whoever that man was who said, "Well, you will one of these days" was right, but I do not think God whispered that in his ear any more than he did mine at the time. I am so thankful for our gracious God and his patience of working in me for so many years when I was basically giving him lip service and turning a deaf ear.
I can be a pretty stubborn person, so it took Him a number of years to get me to let go of that tug of war rope. And to be perfectly honest, I still pick it up from time to time to argue about who has control over some aspects of my life. However, thanks be to God, I finally accepted Jesus Christ as my personal savior in December of 1983. It still took me a while to start working on my relationship with Jesus. But, praise the Lord again for his patience and graciousness with me. He has truly instilled in me the desire to please Him and I have felt His power at various times when He has equipped and enabled me to serve and glorify Him in ways I pray please Him.
He is working in each of us every day. What is he trying to tell you today?
My prayer for today:
Father God, I thank you so much for loving me and never giving up on me. I praise you for who you are yesterday, today and tomorrow and the knowledge that we can trust you and believe you keep your promises! Thank you, thank you, thank you for all the work you have done in me and for all the work you still have planned to do in me! Thank you for instilling in me the desire to please you. I pray that I always keep you top of mind and that all I say, do and think is pleasing to you. I ask all this in your the precious name of Jesus.
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Brotherly Love at it's best
(I decided to share one of the devotionals I wrote back in 2005 because I was glancing through the little booklet and remembering the story made my heart sing so I wanted to share it. I hope you enjoy!)
One of my most precious memories of my two oldest children, Stuart and Amanda, is their first recital. It was a combination gymnastics & dance recital at the Capital Arts Theater – “the big time”.
Stuart was about 3 ½ and Amanda was around 2 years old. Amanda was really too young for the class, but the teacher was willing to take our money! Anyway, for the recital, they did a little routine to Willie Nelson’s song “Mammas, don’t let your Babies Grow Up to be Cowboys.” They looked so precious – cowboy hats, gingham shirts, Stuart in blue jeans and Amanda in a denim skirt.
They were all lined up – I think there were 5 or 6 of them – all boys, but Amanda in her little skirt. They took turns doing forward rolls and other simple gymnastic moves. Stuart did his fine with that nice gymnast finish of holding his hands straight up in the air and returned to his place in line. When it was Amanda’s turn, she stepped out to do her forward roll and started crying. Big boo hoos!
You could see Stuart encouraging her and could sense the teacher doing the same at the edge of the stage. She cried and cried, but people started clapping for her so she decided to go ahead and do her forward roll – which she did successfully! Unfortunately, her little skirt flipped up in back and stayed that way. Stuart calmly stepped out of line, smoothed her skirt down and then stepped back to his place in line. Is that brotherly love or what? I was laughing and crying and so proud of both of them! This was before we owned a video camera, but God had blessed me with a vivid memory of that performance! What a blessing!
My prayer for today:
My most gracious and heavenly Father, thank you so much for my children. You have blessed me beyond measure with the three of them. Please help them all to maintain the attitude Stuart showed that day long ago when he put his sister’s needs above his own. Please help each of us to put others above ourselves each and every day. In Jesus name, I pray. Amen.
What did God say to you today through this verse?
Sunday, July 19, 2009
I feel like dancing!
WOO HOO! I just scored 100% doing the vocals of "Spirit in the Sky" on Rock Band 2!! Do I feel like dancing? You betcha! As someone who absolutely stinks at most video type games, this was quite an accomplishment for me! Of course, doing vocals doesn't require much hand-eye coordination, so that helps!
In this passage of 2 Samuel, David had a much better reason for "leaping and dancing before the LORD" (2 Sam 6: 16) than a good score on Rock Band - he had just brought the ark of the LORD inside the tent that he had pitched expecially for it. Can you imagine being in the presence of the ark of the Lord? How could you keep from singing, dancing, worshiping and praising the Lord?!
Wait a minute - we're in the presence in the Lord every minute of every day! But, if you're like me, you often lose sight of that amazing fact and take Him for granted way too much. It's easier to remember to thank him for saving my life when I had a heart attack than it is to praise Him for the abundant blessings He gives me each and every day.
Several years ago when I volunteered with the youth ministry in our church, it was popular to for them to do interpretive dance. I'll never forgot one of the moms turning to me after one of the performances and whispering, "How is THAT worship?" I guess she'd never read 2 Samuel 6!
God gives us lots and lots of reasons each and every day to dance, praise and worship him. Just a few I can think of . . . a recent AWESOME family vacation at the beach . . . a wonderful God-honoring family . . . healthy, happy, growing, smiling twin grandbabies . . . the opportunity to worship and serve at a Jesus-loving, mission-minded church . . . and yes, even a bit of success at Rock Band! I could go on and on with big and tiny things that I thank the Lord for and that make me want to dance before the Him with all my might!
What does your list look like?
How has God spoken to you today through this scripture?
Saturday, July 18, 2009
God is good - All the time!
When I flipped open my Bible just now, this is the highlighted verse it opened to and, as always, God knows what's on my mind and what I need to hear.
Today marks a special day in the life of a dear friend, Greg Henry. He and his children are embarking on a new life as he marries Cheryl Cole. I am so happy for them, but have to admit that I'm a bit sad too.
You see, this special day wouldn't be possible if our Lord had not called Greg's wife (who was my sweet friend), Suzanne home almost two years ago. I know that Suzanne would be so happy for Greg and her children, Katie and B.J. and encouraged him to remarry when he felt the time was right. I sincerely pray for all of God's blessing on this new marriage. I love you all!
Because Suzanne has been on my mind so much today, I wanted to share something I wrote about her over four years ago:
"O LORD , God of heaven, the great and awesome God, who keeps his covenant of love with those who love him and obey his commands . . ." Nehemiah 1:5
A friend of mine, who is one of the sweetest, most Godly women I know, is at the beginning of a battle with breast cancer. One of her favorite sayings is “It’s all good.” I think the reason she can say that phrase – and mean it – no matter what she’s facing is just what this verse is talking about.
Suzanne is obedient to our God – she loves him with all her heart, soul, mind, spirit and body. She loves his children with the same fervor. She goes where he sends her and lives each day in his will. She uses every opportunity facing her to glorify His name. She praises his greatness and honors Him with everything she says and does.
Suzanne does all this with a smile on her face and in her humble heart. She is truly an obedient servant of God. I feel honored to be able to call her my friend.
Suzanne’s loving obedience is a great part of the reason God is keeping His covenant of love with her. She doesn’t know yet where he is taking her with this disease, but she knows He loves her and that He will be there with her every step of the way.
My prayer for the day:
Father, thank you for Suzanne. Thank you for giving her and her family this awesome opportunity to witness for you. I pray that I can be as strong and faithful to you as she is. In your Son’s awesome name, I pray. Amen.
What did God say to you today through this verse?
OK, Lord, I give up!
Whew! I can't believe I am doing this, but after years of pushing God's nudges away, I am finally believing Him that He could possibly use me to get His Word and message to others. I trust that He will equip me to do what He wants because I know I sure can't on my own!
I honestly don't believe I have anything worth saying, but God evidently does - He has a whole book full of great things to say! My son told me several years ago that there is always good in what you're saying as long as God's word is a part of it.
God has been bugging me about using writing to glorify Him for YEARS!! He recently used a women's Bible study and a new friend's encouragement and her obedience to write about God's work in her life to push me over the edge into obedience. God knows me even better than I know myself and knows I need the accountability and the hope of helping others to get me to post my writing publicly.
I realized at an early age that God blessed me with a gift of writing. My heart's desire for years has been to use that gift to glorify Him and hopefully to have some sort of positive impact on His Kingdom. Even though each time I've using scripture to inspire writing, God has richly blessed me, I have only been obedient sporadically - when I felt like I'd be letting a friend down if I didn't.
God's Word is a rich roadmap for living life to the fullest. Although His truth never changes, I've found that He uses scripture to speak to me in different ways on different days.
My purpose with this blog is to share a verse and a tidbit of something he brought to my mind when I read it. My prayer is that He will use the scripture to inspire and grow anyone reading it as well.
My prayer is that He is glorified through all that is written here.