Friday, October 22, 2010

Listening for the whisper

"While you were doing all these things, declares the Lord, I spoke to you again and again, but you did not listen; I called you, but you did not answer." Jeremiah 7:13

We have a sign on the wall in our breakfast nook that says "Make time for quiet moments because God whispers and the world is loud.". How true that is!

I don't know about you, but I not only let the loudness of the world distract me, I don't always get quiet long enough to listen, much less hear what God is saying to me. I know he continually speaks to me again and again, because I get glimmers that sometimes seem like they are just barely out of my reach. Does that make sense to you? It's like I am just about to have an epiphany (and have the solution to all my problems, the answers to all my questions, and so on!) but before I can quite grasp it, it slips away. I LOVE the times He is able to break through. I just wish let Him more often.

It's not God's problem. As Beth Moore says, "He is who He says He is. He can do what He says He can do. I am who God says I am. I can do all things through Christ." She closes with two more statements, "God's Word is alive and active in me. I'm believing God."

One of the things God has been reinforcing to me over and over lately is that my personal relationship with Him trumps EVERYTHING! He & I both deserve the time and the quiet it will take to continually grow deeper and deeper and deeper. I yearn for that deeper relationship so greatly. I wish I could tell you that I take the time each and every day to focus on it. I take time, but it's not the quality or quantity I desire or think is necessary to get where I believe He wants me to be.

God What about you? What has God been saying to you lately? Or, have you, like I too often do, let the world and your mind drown Him out?

My prayer for today: Father God, I love you so much! Please forgive me for not giving you the time and devoted attention you desire and deserve from me. I need your help to get my priorities and my mind where they need to be. Please help me rid my life of unnecessary distractions and fill it with your desires for my life on earth. Thank you so much for your grace and forgiveness and for the sacrifice you made for me. I love you! In Jesus' name.

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