I am so excited to share that my son and daughter-in-law, are in the process of adopting very possibly two babies from Ethiopia! What a blessing for our family to grow in this way - through giving babies a healthy home who would otherwise not have parents, much less loving parents and a brother & sister! Even though it may be a year before we meet them, God has already chosen them to join our family! I am praying for them just as I do for Spencer and Kate.
I think that grandbabies are just about the best things on earth and can't wait to have more! But what is even more exciting to me than the anticipation of more babies to snuggle, is watching Stuart and Jenny follow the desire God put on each of their hearts even before they met each other. He knew before they did that their hearts were open to following scripture and loving orphans as much as they do the twins they gave physical birth to. In their hearts and minds, all their children are and will be their children, just as God accepts each of us as His.
In worldly terms, they can't afford to expand their family at this time. They are a one income family by choice so that Jenny can stay home with Spencer and Kate who are currently 20-months old. They don't have the largest home on the block, much less the city, but their home is filled with love for each other, their family and most of all, love for Christ. Can you imagine having four children ages 3 and under running around in your home - no matter what the size?! What I truly admire about the decision God laid on their hearts is Stuart and Jenny's determination to be obedient - no matter what. They have not let all this worldly "stuff" stand in their way of following their heart.
They know it's not going to be easy. God never said following His lead would be, but He does promise He'll be there for us. He is already showing His faithfulness to them though the prayer and financial support and encouragement they are receiving. He is preparing them for their expanding family even now and He will see them through the challenging times just as He'll share their joy through each milestone of each child. Spencer and Kate are a hoot already! I can't wait to hear the giggles of four little munchkins on the other end of the phone or see the dance parties they'll have!
"Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world."
mes 1:27
"Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world."
mes 1:27
Thank you, Lord God for adopting each of us into your family. Thank you for putting the desire on the hearts of Jenny and Stuart to expand their family through adopting from Ethiopia. Please continue to make the path yours and keep the babies healthy until and after they bring them home. I ask all this in the name of your son, Jesus . . .
To read Jenny & Stuart's blog, visit: www.borderspatrol.blogspot
My friend Erika Calihan just sent me this candle holder that she got from you, I believe. I love it! Are you doing active fundraising for them? I'd be glad to get the word out for it if you are!