Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Memories & blessings

For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

Jeremiah 29:11

I was inspired by my daughter-in-law, Jenny, writing about her first date with our son, Stuart, and the fact that the anniversary of my engagement to David is next week to share some thoughts and memories about how God brought David and me together.

The summer of 1978 I visited my friend, Heidi, in Denver and thought it would be fun to move out there. I also decided to just forget men. I wasn't having much luck meeting anyone decent in the tiny town I was living and working in so I thought I'd just concentrate on finding a job in Denver, forget about men and move on.

God had other plans. I had asked a local guy I worked with many times if he knew anyone decent he could fix me up with and he never came thru. However, one day in August, he said he had run into a high school buddy and wondered if I'd want to go out with him. He said something to the effect of, "He's a really nice guy, but I don't know if you'll like him. He just likes to go to movies and stuff." I replied that I liked movies too, so let's give it a try! So, God used the most unlikely person to set David and me up on a blind date.

In the intervening days, some other co-workers who went to high school with him kept teasing me about him being bald. They were always teasing me, so when they said he started going bald in high school, I thought they were teasing this time too. But, lo and behold when he showed up at my door, the first thought that entered my mind was "they weren't kidding!" Of course back then, David was a fan of the infamous comb-over. It took me almost the first year of marriage to convince him to get rid of that! But, I'm getting ahead of myself!

We drove to Bowling Green and did, in fact, go to a movie - "Heaven Can Wait". A great first date movie! He was pretty quiet, but very nice, so when he asked me if I'd go out with him again, I said OK. The next weekend we went to another movie in BG - one of the Pink Panther movies. I had been working a lot of overtime that week and was beat so altho it was a good movie & good company, I fell asleep - right in the movie theater! He still asked me out for a third time! (what was he thinking?!) The next weekend we went to the drive-in to see Jaws 2. I managed to stay awake this time! Do you sense a trend here? Freddy was right - David does like movies, but fortunately so do I! If you've ever been to our home and seen his DVD collection, you know how much he enjoys movies!

By our fourth date, we broke the movie routine and went skiing at the lake with some of his friends. Afterwards he told me he loved me! On our fourth date! I replied, "Are you KIDDING?! You don't even know me!" You have to understand, David is pretty mild mannered and can be shy & unassertive in some situations. But that night he convincingly told me that he would be patient - he loved me and he knew I'd love him too! He would just wait until I realized it. I don't remember what I said out loud, but in my mind, let's just say I was skeptical! (sorry, honey!)

God was definitely at work in this relationship. David was not at all the type guy I had a history of dating - he was MUCH nicer! In fact, I thought he was too nice for me. For the next several weeks, in my effort to really get to know him and understand how he could think he loved me, I hounded him with rhetorical situational questions, most of which we still haven't had to face in our 32 year (thank you, Jesus!). I know now he HATES stuff like that, but he persevered and obviously gave all the right answers! :-)

Neither David nor I were living exemplary lives for Christ at the time, I'm sorry to say. And even sorrier to say that my way of life in 1978 is not one I'd recommend and one I am so thankful my children have not had to experience - I really was in a downward spiral and my own worst enemy. Even though I had been close to the Lord throughout my childhood and teen years, I got off track in college and veered even farther away in my early twenties. But, God has proven to me time and time again that even when I am not living my life for Him, He doesn't me. In fact, in August 1978, he sent David to me on a blind date.

By October 5th He (& David) had convinced me that David was the husband God handpicked for me. I have told him time and time again over the years that God sent him to save me from myself. I don't think he believes me, but it's true. God knew exactly who I needed here on earth to pull me back to Him. I am so very thankful God knows me so much better than I know myself. He fulfills needs I don't even know I have. He continues to bless me with a husband, children and now grandchildren who are so amazing and who encourage and inspire me to be the best I can be for God, for them and for myself.

Thank you once again, Lord God, for sending David to me and for making the Godly man he is and giving him the love, patience, mercy and perseverance he has needed to survive these 32 years with me! Please continue to bless our marriage, our family and friends and to allow us to live our lives in such a way that we glorify you in all that we say and do. I pray all this in your son's precious name. Amen.

I love you, David Wesley Borders more today than I did when we married (& foresure LOTS more than 32 years ago today when I was still wondering if you had lost your mind! :-)

"Look at the nations and watch—
and be utterly amazed.
For I am going to do something in your days
that you would not believe,
even if you were told."
Habakkuk 1:5

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