Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Sensory Overload!

"My child, listen and be wise; keep your heart on the right course." Proverbs 23:19

I think there was a movie back in the 60's called something like "Stop the World, I Want to Get Off!" Do you ever feel that way? That's how I've been feeling the past 2-3 days. Not so much that I want to get off the world, but that I want things to stop and let me catch up!

I do my best to always look for God's purpose, his lesson and especially His joy in most things, but I have to admit the past few days have been a roller coaster of joy and dispair. And, it's all God's "fault!" He knows, as always, exactly what I need to hear from Him and what I need to grow and develop my relationship with Jesus. My problem at the moment is that He's "throwing things" at me so fast that I am struggling to keep up. It's a good problem to have and I keep reminding myself that it's exciting to hear from God. It's my favorite thing actually - I just enjoy it a bit more when I like what He says instead of convicting me of things He knows I need to hear!

Don't get me wrong, I LOVE working on our relationship. I just need to work on my time management so I can devote more time to Him and to pulling all this scripture and direction together. He is THE focus of my life, but I don't seem to be able to maintain the discipline to give Him the time He deserves and that I want to spend with Him.

He has such a knack of sending me the same message through multiple sources and I just love that! I love reading the Bible and I also enjoy reading devotionals written by a variety of people, hearing the message brought to us weekly by our pastor, doing Bible studies, listening to contemporary Christian music and talking with other Christians. This is one of those times I just need to slow down, listen and rest in Him. I'm sure if I don't figure it all out today, He'll give me another chance and more reminders! Thankfully He accepts, understands and even encourages that I'm a work in progress.

My prayer for today:

My gracious heavenly Father, thank you so very much for caring so much for me and for all your children that you do talk to us. I love how you use such a variety of voices - straight from scripture to emails to billboards, pastors, Bible study authors, friends and even children. You know what each of us needs to hear each and every moment of each and every day, Lord.

Please continue to encourage us to listen and to take heed to what you're telling us. It's so easy for the world to interfere. I pray for your protection from distractions and false teachers so that our ears and our hearts filter out everything but what you want us to hear. Please forgive me for all the times I don't listen as well as I should, Lord. Please help me to hear and understand the wisdom you are trying so hard to get through my thick skull! Thank you so much for your patience, your mercy and forgiveness and for sending your son, Jesus as a sacrifice for my sins. It's in His holy name I pray. Amen.

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