Friday, September 18, 2009


" . . . For I am going to do something in your days that you would not believe even if you were told." Habakkuk 1: 5

Thursday night I had the privilege to serve at the registration table during the first meeting this year of Step by Step, a non-denominational ministry to teen moms and their children. It was a great observation (& listening!) post!

The mission of Step By Step is "to provide an opportunity for salvation, and emotional and spiritual healing through Jesus Christ to young single mothers and their children, by walking with them step by step as they learn to lead productive, purposeful lives."

I could see the mission in action on so many levels!

Having worked in the nursery last year, I recognized several returning moms and babies. It was wonderful to see the babies' growth and to see the smiles on the moms' faces because they were so happy to be back at SBS! It was easy to spot the first timers - their faces showed uncertainty and sometimes a sense of hurt. It was so encouraging to see returning moms bringing new friends with them because they knew how much their friends could benefit from the program and especially from the love of Jesus.

"For I am going to do something in your days that you would not believe even if you were told."

I could see it in the faces of the first timers "What am I doing here? What good is this going to do me?" But, "the rest of the story" of that verse was clearly illustrated by at least two stories I observed.

The first was a young mother wearing a Kroger shirt, holding one baby in her arms and another by the hand. She was beaming and couldn't wait to tell Susan and Terri, the SBS directors, that she is going to school and studying nursing! What progress she has made since last year! I suspect that if she were told last year that she'd be successfully balancing children, job and nursing school, she would not have believed it!

Even more touching was another mom who was also beaming - she had a glow about her that makes me believe she has Jesus in her heart! Susan was exclaiming over the change in her saying, "you do not look or act like the same girl who walked through those doors last year!" The young woman agreed and said co-workers had told her the same thing. While I don't know this particular young woman's story, I suspect it is like many others who have come to Step by Step broken, disheartened, discouraged and hurt looking for answers, love and acceptance. Susan and Terri, along with many volunteers, help these girls find Jesus and purpose in their lives.

Step by Step, like so many ministries, enables volunteers to serve as the hands and feet of Jesus, spreading his love, truth and light to those who so desperately need Him.

Has God called you to serve somewhere or in some way to help others find Him? There are so many opportunities! Just be prepared - you would not believe what He can do through you even if He told you the whole story beforehand!

If you'd like to learn more about Step by Step, please visit

What has God said to you today through this verse?

My prayer for today:

Father God, thank you so much for giving us opportunities every day to serve you through serving others. You may have different plans and different ways for each of us to serve, but help us remember that you will always equip us to do what you have called us to do. You know the end from the beginning and we though we'd like to, we don't need to know it. We just need to be obedient when you call us to serve.

Thank you, Lord, for the success stories of so many who have been served and saved through the Step by Step ministry over the past 14 years. Please guide the leadership and volunteers in that ministry. Equip them spiritually, physically and financially to continue to do your work in Lexington and beyond.

Thank you, Lord for being who you are! In Jesus precious name. Amen.

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