Thursday, August 13, 2009

Bearing Fruit

"You would live a life worthy of the Lord and please him in every way, bearing fruit in every good work, growing in the knowledge of God." Colossians 1:10-11

Several years ago I had the privilege of serving at a Women of the Harvest retreat for women serving in the mission field who were in the USA on furlough. It was such a blessing in so many ways! One of the special blessings was getting to know Mimi Wilson and Shelly Cook Volkhardt. These special ladies were missionary kids who became missionaries and now serve (in different locations) in the USA. They are speakers and authors. Together they wrote a wonderful book, "Holy Habits," which I highly recommend.

This verse reminds me of a story Mimi shared in "Holy Habits" that I want to share with you.

Mimi wrote:

" I also collect stories that remind me of God's victories. A middle-aged missinary couple in Spain with whom I visited told me the following story. Several years ago, they met an older woman in the city square. The lady had spent 30 years in missionary service in the African country of Senegal. The couple invited her to their home . . . As the woman talked, it became apparent that she had suffered. She said she felt that her years of service had been wasted. She lost one son to a crocodile, another son had been seriously ill, and her husband died. When she left Senegal, a grieving widow and mother, there had not been one convert to show for the sacrifices of thirty years.

During their visit, the couple mentioned that they had recently received a newsletter from some young friends, also missionaries in Senegal. They shared the newsletter with her, and as she read it, she began to cry. The letter told of how the young couple had contacted different tribes. They were surprised to discover an amazing God-consciousness among them. Their view of God as Father was so clear, and the young couple said they had no idea where it had come from. People from seven different tribes were coming to Christ. When the retired missionary lifted her head from the letter, she said, "Our family lived and ministered among five of the seven tribes mentioned in this letter. We never knew if they understood. But know I know!"

My prayer for today:

Father God, thank you for showing this missionary woman how you did use her for your good and that her suffering and sacrifices did bear fruit for your kingdom. And, thank you for the dedication she and family showed through serving 30 years without knowing if anyone understood the love, grace and mercy they were sharing. Lord, please help me to keep You as the center focus of my life each and every day - my prayer is that I live my life in a way that is worthy of you -pleasing and honoring to you, that you would use me to bear fruit - whether I see it or not. Please help me not to mind if I don't see fruit yielded - as long as You do. Please help me to draw closer to you each day and continually grow in my knowledge of you so that I can share more effectively with others. Most of all, Father, thank you for my Lord Jesus Christ and for being who you say you are yesterday, today and tomorrow. I love you so much! In Jesus' name. . .

What did God say to you through this verse and perhaps through the story Mimi shared?

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