Monday, August 3, 2009

Free Personalization!

"Yes, Lord, we wait for You in the path of Your judgements. Our desire is for Your name and renown." Isaiah 26:8

You know how you get those "junk" mail letters, catalogs and stuff that have your name throughout the piece so it looks like a personalized message just for you? I don't want to burst your bubble, but it really isn't personal. It's all computerized.

BUT, God is the King of the personalized message and has been since the beginning - without the help of computers!

No matter how many times He does it, it never ceases to amaze me how God sends me so many personalized messages through such a variety of vehicles. I know I've mentioned this before, but I just can't help praising God again and again for the blessings He provides me this way. Of course the core message is always scripture, but sometimes He shares it through other people or in other writings. And, of course, His timing is always perfect!

God gave me this scripture tonight through a Beth Moore daily devotional (from a previous day) and some of her comments were so on target with some of the things God is teaching me, so I want to it:

" . . . Sometimes when we obey God and go where we believe he is sending us, we're not altogether certain what we expected, but after a while we asertain. "this certainly can't be it." In fact, obeying God can initially seem to get us into a bigger mess than we left.

It can make you think, "I must be an alien here." But actually, that may be your first indication you're in the right place. We can be in the bull's-eye of God's will for our lives even when things make utterly no sense. Sometimes we just have to wait on that ugly, five-letter word: "later." from "Believing God Day by Day" by Beth Moore (July 29th)

God is continually sending each of us personal messages through His word. You and I can read the exact same scripture, but receive a distinctly personal message through it from Him. Isn't that amazing?!

What is God saying to you today through this scripture?

My prayer for today:

Thank you, Lord, for not giving up on me and for continually sending me the messages I need to hear through your word. Please help me quiet the world around me so I can hear even the faintest whisper from you. Thank you for giving me this opportunity to share Your word and Your glory with others. In Jesus' precious name, I pray.

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